Honour your guests with a gourmet meal prepared by roasting the Lulu Fresh Skinless Chicken Legs. With the skin-off texture, their tender meat cooks relatively faster to release a wafting aroma that invokes an irresistible temptation to take the first bite. Once prepared, the meat?s succulent texture and mouth-watering flavour not just delight your taste buds but also captivate your inner foodie. Rich source of protein, energy, and vitamins, the chicken legs serve as a reliable food source to sustain a healthy living. In addition, they are derived from clean and disease-free poultry reared using well-established animal husbandry techniques. The chicken legs are a versatile food form, which can be combined with various culinary ingredients to present diverse, world-class cuisines. For convenience, the meat is processed as per the halal norms to meet your requirements.
Brand Fresh
Content 500g Approx. Weight
Type Chicken Parts
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